A J.C. Hart Apartment Community in Indianapolis, IN

Staking our Community's Future by Donating Time and Resources Today

April 18, 2019
Kids looking at the ground
J.C. Hart Company, Inc. is a property management, development, and construction company that is known for its involvement in volunteer and community events, as well as for its philanthropical gifts. John C. Hart, the company’s CEO, has made it a company-wide priority for J.C. Hart Associates to be participating in this altruistic experience and its future successful outcomes.  
“We have made an investment in our Associates to give them paid time off to give back to the community. We are committed to being a company that gives back in charitable ways,” Hart said.  
Hart is known for giving back to educational institutions each year. He has pledged his philanthropic dollars toward nonprofits such as St. Mary’s Child Center, Midwest Academy, Butler University, Hope Academy, and The Oaks Academy. Mr. Hart is also a giving supporter of and visiting instructor for the Indiana University Kelley School of Business Real Estate school.
In conjunction of his educational supports, Hart has been a Tocqueville Society member for United Way since 2010. That same year, J.C. Hart began its first company-wide United Way campaign. The company has joyfully supported the organization ever since.
Other charitable organizations Hart has contributed to and backed include Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure, The Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel Education Foundation, Hamilton County Humane Society, Patachou Foundation, Children’s TherAplay, The Woodland Christmas Club, and Village Montessori Preschool.
John Hart - J.C. Hart CompanyHart has elected to show support to these organizations because he feels collectively they persuade the future of a community. “When choosing what organizations to invest in, we try to look at it from the view point of how we are going to impact the lives of the people that we are investing in. It’s all about investing in our community to make our community a better place to live,” Hart shared.
An organization he routinely contributes to in hopes it will progressively impact the future of the community and its people is St. Mary’s Child Center. It serves children three to five years of age in its pre-k program. Over 90 percent of the children are living in poverty. Statistics show a kid three to five years of age, living in poverty, most likely has only read 30 to 40 hours in totality, while a child who comes from a traditional home environment will have read 2,000 to 2,500 hours. Children who do not have that leg up during those crucial years tend to struggle throughout their entire academic career, which has shown to lead them to battle with employment which repeats the poverty cycle, repeatedly ending up in the “pipeline to prison.”
“Our goal of supporting a great institution like St. Mary’s is to give children coming from poverty a chance at good early education which can change their lives, so when they go to kindergarten they will be on an equal footing and be ready to embrace that education,” Hart said.
Additionally, Hart hopes by contributing to educational institutions like St. Mary’s, the children they help will grow up and have a positive and rewarding transition into society, which will create a better place for everyone to call “home!”
Another way Hart contributes to the community is by giving back to social venues such as The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. He said it establishes an opportunity for society to engage in cultural stimulation, which results in commerce wanting to move their businesses to our community.
“I think they are going to be more inclined to locate a company in Carmel or Hamilton County because they know their employees will want to live in a community that has great education and places with a cultural outlet. By supporting, we are creating an opportunity to the community to attract business and if we attract business we are also supporting growth in the community,” John said.
Hart’s commitment and passion for his contributions has been a waterfall effect for J.C. Hart and the Associates around him. J.C. Hart will continue to take part in Indiana’s philanthropic experience and success through continued participation and donation by J.C. Hart and its Associates. If you have an event you would like J.C. Hart to consider supporting and be a part of, please contact Jane Gosling, Director Corporate Communications at jane@homeisjchart.com.